Sunday, April 3, 2011



The forearms with the original hands.
The original model didn't have enough detail in the fingers so I rebuilt them. I used part of the existing hand. I sculpted the fingers our of pink insulation foam and reinforced everything with fiberglass.

 I covered the foam and fiberglass with Epoxy clay. Then I cut up and attached resin Easter eggs to for fingernails.

I carved detail into the finger nails with a dremel and file. From there the hands were primered and painted.

Building the body

The body started off as 3d model I pulled from the game. I assembled it out of cardboard and then filled with expanding foam.

I am working on attaching the arms. He's dressed in this stylish garbage bag to protect his pants and boots.

Painting the head and ears

I figured the ears would be banged into everything during production and set up so I fiber glassed them and used epoxy clay for the detail.

I attached the ears to a section i cut out of the head so that they would be removable and fiber glassed them into one solid piece. This also made it the inside of the head accessible so i can install lights into the eyes.